Young Engineers Conference

Conference aims

The aim of this SECED conference is to bring together young engineers and researchers from both the industry and academia to meet and exchange ideas related to the study and practice of earthquake engineering and civil engineering dynamics. This conference will focus on: structural dynamics (experimental, numerical and practical); geotechnical earthquake engineering (experimental, numerical and practical); seismology and risk assessment; seismic retrofit.

This is an excellent opportunity for PhD students to display their ongoing research. Prizes of £100 and £50 will be given to the two best papers presented at the conference. To qualify for prizes, the lead author and presenter must be under 35 years of age by 1st January 2013.

Call for abstracts

The deadline for receiving abstracts is Friday, 8th February 2013. Abstracts should be a maximum of 500 words and should include the contact details of the corresponding author and affiliation of co-authors. An abstract template and further details are posted on Newcastle University's website (go there via this link). The date for acceptance notification was Friday 12th April 2013. Submission of final papers is due on Friday 26th April 2013.

Who should attend?

  • Practicing engineers under the age of 35 years.
  • Academics under the age of 35 years.
  • Post-doctoral researchers.
  • Research students (PGR and MSc)


For more information, please contact Sean Wilkinson.


Event Details

Event Date 04/07/2013
Location Newcastle University

Location Map