Join SECED as a member

There are two categories of membership: corporate and individual. Corporate members can nominate a number of named representatives, each of whom obtains the same benefits as individual members. In order to apply for membership, fill out the appropriate online application form using one of the links below and submit the completed form. After a few days, we will be in touch to confirm the application and collect the membership fee (if any). You can pay by card, cheque or direct debit. If you have any questions about the process, see our FAQs or contact the SECED Secretary (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).

Why join SECED?

  • Support the Society.
  • Gain to the SECED Newsletter on its publication date (non-members have to wait for up to one year).
  • Enjoy discounts on registration fees for SECED and SECED-affiliated events and training courses.
  • Receive email notifications of SECED technical meetings and events.
  • Enjoy online access to live broadcasts of SECED evening technical meetings and an archive of past broadcasts.
  • Gain reference access to the ICE Library.
  • Gain access to members area (MyICE) of ICE website (individual members only).
  • Meet other like-minded specialists from industry and academia.
  • Partake in the Annual General Meeting with rights to:
    • nominate candidates for the SECED committee;
    • vote in elections for the committee;
    • vote on amendments to the constitution;
  • List your company details and weblink on the SECED website and gain exposure to the earthquake community (corporate members only).

EAEE Associate Membership

All SECED members (except student members) automatically become associate members of the European Association of Earthquake Engineering (EAEE) with the following benefits:

  • Online access to the Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering.
  • 20% reduction on the books in the Springer book series Geological, Geotechnical and Earthquake Engineering.
  • Optional participation in the EAEE General Assembly with no voting right.
  • Optional participation in EAEE Task Groups.

As an existing SECED member, each year in January or February, you will receive an email with your login details for the EAEE website. If you have not received this, please contact the SECED secretary.

Please note that EAEE membership is associated with an additional cost for SECED. For that reason, we are unfortunately not able to offer EAEE membership to our student members.

Previous or lapsed members wanting to renew their membership

Individual members whose membership for the previous subscription year has lapsed should renew their membership via MyICE before October.

There may be some complications depending on your circumstances. Firstly, if your membership of the ICE has also lapsed, or if you are not a member of the ICE, you will not be able to reinstate your membership via MyICE. In that case, you will need to contact the ICE subscriptions team on tel. 020 7665 2227 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Secondly, the subscription year runs from October until September: therefore, if in any given year you didn't pay your membership fees, you have until the end of September to renew your membership for that year, which can be done via MyICE. After September you will need to rejoin the Society as a new member, in which case you should follow the procedure for new members and use the application forms below. 

Subscription fees for 2025

New subscription year commences 1 October 2024

Membership type Named representatives Fee
Corporate (small) 4 £220
Corporate (medium) 8 £400
Corporate (large) 12 £565
Individual 1 £55
Individual (retired) 1 £30
Individual (student) 1 Free

If you join after 1 October you will not be charged for the remainder of the year, the payment taken will be for the next subscription year

The membership is administered by the Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE). When you apply for SECED membership, you will be entered into an ICE database and issued with a database number. As such, your membership will be governed by the ICE Privacy Policy.