9-10 September 2019 in Greenwich, London

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Arup has over a decade of global experience providing technical and strategic support to large-scale educational infrastructure programs. We describe a methodology, based on this experience, that informs the development of risk reduction strategies for school infrastructure and provides a framework for recommendations and investment prioritisation. We also describe several common themes, challenges and opportunities that emerged across the range of geographies and contexts covered. Key steps in the methodology include: understanding the natural hazards in the country; establishing a baseline for existing school infrastructure (exposure and vulnerability); understanding the country’s institutional and regulatory framework relating to operation, planning, design and construction of schools; understanding the financial environment; and understanding future educational planning needs. Key recommendations for improvement and investment were: integrated collection and management of data related to school exposure, vulnerability, and functionality; increased emphasis on vulnerability reduction through planning and funding the maintenance of school buildings; school designs and design manuals that address natural hazard risk and are appropriately communicated; recognizing the role and capabilities of local communities in school construction and management; and clarity for roles and responsibilities in the institutional and regulatory environment.

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