9-10 September 2019 in Greenwich, London

Hits: 269


During the strong Gorkha Earthquake that hit the Kathmandu Valley, Nepal, on April 25, 2015, the high vulnerability of the historical monuments of the region was revealed. In particular, the World Heritage brick masonry multi-tiered Nepalese Pagodas suffered extensive damages and numerous temples collapsed. Although a significant amount of work has been done to understand the seismic vulnerability of such historic temples, little work has been done on understanding the effectiveness of low-cost seismic retrofit and repair options. The aim of this paper is to investigate the restoration and seismic enhancement options for the Jaisedewal temple in Nepal which collapsed after the Gorkha Earthquake. A three-dimensional numerical model of the Jaisedewal Temple has been developed. Use was made of the finite element method of analysis which was implemented in the commercial code ABAQUS. The developed finite element model was based on the macro-modelling approach and aids in understanding of the seismic response of this structure as well as to give insights to the performance of the seismic enhancement options to safeguard Nepalese temples from future earthquake events.

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